
Working Remote, Better Git Messages, Agile Estimating, Vue.js, and letting reality get in the way of a good idea

Episode Summary

How much to let reality (or the perception of reality) get in the way of a good idea? Angular and Promises, OWASP and more.

Episode Notes

News & Goings On

Working remotely

Interesting quick read but honestly I do not feel any of this.

Angular and using Promises

Better git commit message tips

The Open Web Application Security Project OWASP

Couple of interesting PDFs that cover how to work security into your project. It defines different levels of security goals etc

Agile Estimating and Planning Mike Cohn

Digging into this as I try and take care of the biggest hurdle imo to being an artisan coder, setting expectations.

Update on Vue.js and how it’s different than angular

Latest Readings

“Agile Estimating and Planning Mike Cohn”

Q & A / Main Topics to Discuss

How much to let reality (or the perception of reality) get in the way of a good idea